
Friday, December 6, 2019

How Did I Do?

I had my interview today. I would like your feedback whether I should improve on anything or what I did good.


  1. You could've talked a little bit louder because I noticed that your voice was very soft towards the beginning, but other than that you did really good! I liked how you were prepared and confident with your answers.

  2. I think your responses were very interesting and I was really intrigued and you finished your thoughts. Good job overall!

  3. Although, you were nervous. You spoke clear and with a confident tone! Also, your responses were very intriguing and or interesting! Like, politician and a surgeon that's crazy! In terms of improvement, I would say just to slow down just a tad bit when answering questions pause and take the question into consideration.

  4. In my opinion you were a little bit inaudible, perhaps since you were faced away from this side of the room. I'd say though I couldn't really hear, I'd say that the conversations were energetic (from the bits that I could hear from time to time). Besides that, well done.
